The choice for rigorous, thorough, and effective legal writing training

About Us
LAWriters is a group of lawyers, writing experts, and editors who specialize in training other lawyers, judges, and business professionals to become strong, confident writers and efficient editors. Our methods are comprehensive, sophisticated, and proven. Our team offers you backgrounds in law practice and law teaching, as well as journalism, business, graduate English, and even theology. That background means that our instructors:
Each has more than 20 years of writing training experience, together we have conducted over 1,000 trainings, and we are currently the most active presenters of programs to federal and state judges.

"When I was introduced to LAWriters's legal writing and editing techniques, I fully expected more of the same old stuff, and I was prepared to criticize it. But I have to confess, their approach to legal writing, and contract drafting in particular, is very close to the principles that I employ in my legal practice. I endorse their methodology and approach without reservation.
- Peter Hughes, Shepherd Ross, LLC
Why LAWriters Succeeds
LAWriters succeeds because our programs and instructional methods focus on improving writing at both the individual and office-wide levels. Although any organization's effort to improve the documents it produces must be measured, ultimately, by how well its individual members write, progress toward that goal is inevitably a function of better feedback and assessment within the office more generally.
Saving time and money through a unique emphasis on editing
Our programs save time and money by increasing quality and productivity: associates write and partners edit better and faster, resulting in fewer write-offs and more time for other work.
Customizing the training
Even with fundamentals, training can be flexible. We employ a full range of approaches, including classroom-style seminars, hands-on editing workshops, and one-on-one consultations. You can also custom design a comprehensive program from our array of training modules, each of which can be tailored to meet your needs.
Focusing on the big picture, rather than distracting details
We emphasize macro assessments of a document--the overall structure of information rather than micro concerns like the details of sentence form. Effective training requires a deep understanding of the most fundamental elements that strengthen any document: its organizational and analytic structure at every level. The tools that make this possible are bedrock principles of superior writing, drawn from the disciplines of rhetoric, logic, and cognitive psychology--and they apply to every kind of legal writing.
International Recognition
The depth and sophistication of our approach to written communication is not limited to an American or even common-law context, but our approach is in fact internationally relevant. Our programs have been offered on six continents in both common-law and civil-law countries. LAWriters is therefore the only supplier of writing training with an international reputation and with experience in presenting programs to law firms and court systems in many countries.
Saving time and money through a unique emphasis on editing
Our programs save time and money by increasing quality and productivity: associates write and partners edit better and faster, resulting in fewer write-offs and more time for other work.